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Okay in this I have to start describing who I am, difficult.


let me first start why my Blog is called "Live as a Zebra".
I have a chronic illness called Ehlers Danlos Syndrome we have as a Zebra logo, because the term "Zebra" is assigned in the medical world to people with a rare condition.
this has to do with the fact that if you do not hear it, it does not have to be like a horse!

I have done 15 years to finally get a diagnosis because most doctors immediately sought the easiest solution for a bigger problem.
In the 15 years I lived as if it were up to me, as if I were hating everyone was in pain, maybe it was between my ears and go on. Not only did I think this but the people around me Family and Friends did not know it and pushed it aside.

But finally after 15 years I was after all kinds of research at a doctor who had just graduated and immediately said I know what you have, you have Ehlers Danlos Hypermobility Syndrome.
Googling at home and suddenly all pieces of the puzzle fell into place, all broken bones, bruised joints and torn muscles beat everything.
And then I was suddenly "sick" it was real.
Everything about how I felt then and what happened in the days / weeks and months after that I write in a blog.

But who am I that was the question here:

I am Kim, daughter of two great parents, sister of two big protective brothers, aunt of a great girl and boy.
I do not work but do everything I can, paint, read, help friends and especially a listening ear for many.

I have this year intended not to be afraid of new things, to take fearful things, and to change my life.
This blog is step 1 because I started one earlier but never dared to be honest about what I felt, what was going on. Because can write how bad my day is and what goes wrong and the next day I can tell you what fun things I have done and that is double. And especially when I write it and throw it into the wide world it is true that anyone who wants to read it can read it. and criticize me in silence or of course not in silence.
But from now on no longer a mask, from now on no words or feeling anymore, this is my year to become who I was again. Someone who did what she wanted, did not think about what everyone thought, who just lives the life she wants, and even though my condition limits me very much I want to do this !!!

So welcome to my Live as a Zebra!

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